Sunday, April 21, 2013

Coal Seam Gas Queensland Has GIQ As Australia Progress

Coal Seam Gas is not a thing in Australia as better technology and extraction mechanism has led to CSG revolution for the whole of the continent. The way everything has grown is astonishing as billions of dollars have gone into it and operations are being executed at a war front level with government sanctioning approvals for extractions wells keeping pace with
the applications, new jobs are created but thousands of farmers still live in the fear of losing control over their farming land.

Queensland has been identified as the hub of CSG and as per studies round about 40,000 wells is planned in coming decades. Australia could actually fuel all the vehicles with CSG in coming future reducing dependencies on oil imports and economy. But everything has an environmental cost as experts believe it will not only reduce the ground water level but will also produce an extra 31million tonnes of waste salt. The government is keeping a close watch on environmental implications in both Queensland and South Wales.

With local economy booming with investments in Queensland over CSG wells, this is a booming sector for Australia's skilled job seekers. This gas is safe for consumption in house, vehicles and for generation of electricity. In fact 90% of energy requirements of Queensland are met with CSG and they are planning to export it to other states which would bring a Gas revolution in the state. 

Already Queensland and New South Wales have CSG fuelled power plants in construction which has created a lot of jobs for not just gas exploration sector but also for power generation sector as more and more skilled and semi-skilled people will be needed for both construction and maintenance of the power plants. There have been some discussions going around for exportation of this LNG gas in the market because it can be easily shrunk to 1/600 of its actual volume.

Extraction and identification of CSG wells is not an easy task and a lot of jobs are created in this field and for this not just Australians but people from other countries have started to migrate into the regions of Queensland and New South Wales for promising prospects and better future as Australian government is supporting its expansion because not only it will reducing imports but has substantial chances of earning Dollars from exports.

But there have been some opposition from local farmers and politicians over the amount of water being used for production of CSG which could lead to lowering of water table in the farming area causing harm to Australia's food security but government has ensured to take control of practising environment friendly operations so that both environment and economy can be profited mutually.

Resource :-

ATEC, Australasian training and education centre, is the hub for getting training & education in CSG industry in Australia. One has great menu of choice of
·         Working at heights courses
·         Certificate II in oil and Gas
·         Certificate iv in OHS

In case you are in Queensland, which itself is a hub of mining activities, GIQ, General Induction Queensland is the course for you to get trained.

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